United Nations Security Council

The Security Council is one of six main bodies integrated into the United Nations, and its primary function is to ensure international peace and security in accordance with the United Nations' principles and purposes. The objective of the Security Council involves determining the existence of a threat, investigating the threat and if necessary taking action to resolve the conflict. It is considered preferable to use diplomatic methods, e.g. mediation or the appointment of envoys to resolve a conflict, but the Council can also authorise military actions or sanctions if they deem it called for.

The Security Council is the only United Nations Committee that has been given special powers in order to achieve its aims. Those powers include making legally binding decisions that have to be obeyed by all member states. Therefore, representing a country in this committee requires advanced negotiation skills and extensive knowledge about your country’s policy.

The Security Council consists of 15 members, five of whom are permanent (People’s Republic of China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States of America) and ten that are elected by the General Assembly for terms of two years. Permanent members hold special rights, including the right to veto submitted draft resolutions, specific clauses or amendments.

Topic at OLMUN 2024: Ensuring Human Rights in the Ongoing Civil War in Sudan

Further detailed information can be found on http://www.un.org/en/sc/

Our Presidents of the Security Council
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McKenzie Tomasik
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Sammo Imgart
Venue of the Security Council

The Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst is an art gallery in the city of Oldenburg dedicated to new media art. For OLMUN 2024 the Security Council will be located in one of its seminar rooms.

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